Finding back to my art (heart)
Well it has been many months since I added to my blog. so here I go... The election is over and hopefully it is dawning on most that...
Getting ready for a show over in Berkely! Gotta move, move, move... would like to complete something new for the next show in Berkely at the Art...
Hey! new studio - now at the Box Shop
Another year and another studio! It's a container box which is part of a metal shop. This will get me partway to my new years resolution...
Life is busy
Getting back to art making and really enjoying those moments. Also trying to find some studio space, I have got to get out of my current...
Open Studio
Here is a picture of my studion space converted into a gallery, just before the doors opened. Well, the Open Studion event is over! A lot...
My Open Studio Coming Up In A Few Days
I am still setting up my work and adding lighting... Day light savings is makeing a difference! Got some last minute touchups to do on...
Écorché class.
Working on better understanding of Human anatomy. I am taking a class at J. Hess Studio (Facebook:
Working with Faux Metal treatement
I like the faux bronze and faux iron look on my sculptures but the cold patinas are a little random in terms of their effects on the...
Finishing my Sculptures
Sculpting is what I do, finishing not so! I guess it will come with practice... For the last couple of years I have been focussing on...
New Studio in the Mission
Here is my new studio in the Mission. I am very excited about working away from home distractions. Even though I have a decent amount of...